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Important News! The Way of Love (Via dell'Amore) is open for tourists from August 9, 2024! Read more about this reopening on this page

The Blue Path - SVA (ex. #2)

Map of the Blue Trail in Cinque Terre, preview Open Google Map in a new window

The Blue Path is the easiest, the most famous and the most popular path in the entire Cinque Terre.
It is divided into four sections and connects all the five villages of the Cinque Terre. Total length: 12 km / 7.5 miles.

Entry to the path is charged, because very often after autumn rains some of its parts are closed for repair. Entry ticket varies depending upon number of open sections; usually it is EUR 8-25. The same ticket includes many other things (read more details about the ticket here).

Refer the map above to know about the routes in advance. If you are interested in more detailed information and in seeing the itinerary in 3D format: download this file and run it in Google Earth program (altitude of the paths can also be known).

Limits and restrictions for visiting the Park of the Cinque Terre in 2025-2026 (limited number)

There has been some discussion recently about whether to impose a limit on numbers because of the constant increase in tourists to the Park. An app which was created in 2017 with a map of the trails (Apple Store, Google Play) will be improved. It is planned that with this app it will be possible to create a virtual waiting list for walking the paid routes in the future. For the moment there is no additional information, nor do we know in which year this will take effect. Keep checking our website because we will be the first to inform you as soon as this information is available.
It is important to note that this limit will be applied only to the paid routes, while you will still be able to visit the villages and the free walking trails with no limitations. Compare the free itineraries with the paid ones on this site: Popular walking trails in the Cinque Terre - bestofcinqueterre.com.

Article last updated: February 2025.

Riomaggiore - Manarola2a. Riomaggiore - Manarola. (The Way of Love)
It is the shortest of all the Cinque Terre paths. It came up in the 20s of the 20th century, when the railway tunnel between these two villages was constructed. It passes just at the mountains foot, and is a very quiet and beautiful path. The Way of Love is the most famous trail in the Cinque Terre. To access it, you must either add €10 to your Cinque Terre Card or purchase a card that includes this trail.
Difficulty: none, it is equipped, it is wheelchair friendly for disabled persons.
Height (meters): beginning: 5; end: 6; maximal: 45.
Height (feet): beginning: 17; end: 20; maximal: 148.
Length: 900 m / 0.5 miles.
Journey time: 15-30 minutes.
Status: open since August 09, 2024.

Manarola - Corniglia2b. Manarola - Corniglia.
Second section of the Blue Path connects Manarola with Corniglia railway station (for reaching the village you have to negotiate huge 382 steps of the "Lardarina" stairway).
This section is similar to the first one, and it also passes close to the sea.
Difficulty: low*.
Height (meters): beginning: 6; end: 10; maximal: 55.
Height (feet): beginning: 20; end: 33; maximal: 181.
Length: 2 km / 1.2 miles.
Journey time: 40-60 minutes.
The trail is closed for a long period (approximately till: 2025). Reason: see photo (2016).

Corniglia - Vernazza2c. Corniglia - Vernazza.
The path goes considerably higher than the previous two. It is laid through forests. From here you get a beautiful panoramic view overlooking the Cinque Terre Riviera, Corniglia and a small hamlet of San Bernardino, which is on the hilltop.
Difficulty: low*.
Height (meters): beginning: 100; end: 10; maximal: 220.
Height (feet): beginning: 329; end: 33; maximal: 722.
Length: 3.2 km / 2 miles.
Journey time: 70-100 minutes.
Status: open.

Vernazza - Monterosso al Mare

2d. Vernazza - Monterosso al Mare.
This trail is very similar to its preceding section. Almost in the very beginning you come across a beautiful glade, where all tourists stop to take pictures on Vernazza background; it is a very comfortable and beautiful place.
Important: return trek on this section is more tiring as the slope becomes sharper near Monterosso; so it would be better if you do not hurry at the start without taking a toll on yourself.
Difficulty: low*.
Height (meters): beginning: 2; end: 8; maximal: 175.
Height (feet): beginning: 7; end: 27; maximal: 575.
Length: 3.3 km / 2 miles.
Journey time: 80-120 minutes.
Status: open.

Trail 2 - Beach GuvanoX2. Trail 2 - Beach Guvano.
This path connects the nudist beach of Guvano with path 2c (Corniglia - Vernazza). If you do not want to reach the beach through the dark tunnel this path is for you.
Difficulty: average*, very difficult at some places.
Height (meters): beginning: 140; end: 0; maximal: 140.
Height (feet): beginning: 460; end: 0; maximal: 460.
Length: 800 m / 0.5 miles.
Journey time: 15-30 minutes.
The trail is inaccessible at some places. Reason: It is dangerous, you can do it but pay close attention.

*Note about difficulties:
None - trail does not have any difficulties, its height almost does not vary, and there are no complex sections.
Low - trail goes along paths with very well indicating signs. No preparation is needed, besides a bit of orientation with the terrain and stamina for long walks.
Average - some sections of the path do not have signs everywhere, so you will need some level of orientation with the terrain and minimal physical training is needed for crossing some sections.

Photos of the Blue Path:

The Blue Trail - The Way of Love

The Way of Love

The Blue Trail - The Way of Love

The Way of Love

The Blue Trail - The Way of Love

The Way of Love

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